Faces of Def Collab Submissions and Guidelines

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About the Collection

Faces of Def is a commission collection created by Culla that at it's core has the moto, "Make it Your Own". Collectors now have the ability to get PFP works created by other artists to replace their existing Faces of Def. If a creator's work is used other than that of Culla the piece will be minted with a royalty split of 9% going to the creator and 1% going to Culla. Or a different split dependent on the amount of work that is present in the finished piece that includes art made by Culla.

While it is a blank canvas, there are guidelines and a certain level of quality that needs to be met by the submissions in order to be accepted.

There is now a judging process that has been implemented for all collab pieces that will go to auction every Friday betweet 1PM and 5PM EST. Creators from the previous week become the judges who will vote on the following week's accepted submissions.

Any piece submitted by a personal collector to replace their Faces of Def, will need the permission of the creator and the final art will need to be accepted by Culla.

Reason for the Collaborative Aspect

The best way to promote the art of creators on tezos is to work together to build awareness of the group as a whole.

The end goal of the collection is to promote your work and the work of Culla.


  • You agree to not post your work until after an official promotional tweet has been sent.
  • You agree to not post your work until after you have received an approval from Culla that your work has been accepted and the promotional tweet has been sent.
  • You may only use work created entirely by you or any Creative Commons work that does not require attribution.
  • You must submit high quality work that lifts the collection as a whole. Quality level is subjective and will be discussed by the judges.
  • You agree to not mint your work into a separate collection. Doing so will void the submission.
  • Including works made by Culla in your submission will atler the royalty split assigned to you.
  • Using works by another creator will void your submission. Unless you and the other creator submit the work togther.
  • You are asked to respect the boundaries of the template and create a PFP based work. While you should be creative and think outside of the box, you are asked to always keep in mind that you are making a PFP for a collector. There should be a "head" that looks to the right of the image, a "neck" anchoring the head and a "torso".
  • This is an art collection. This is not a marketing stint. Please refrain from using text in your piece that directly points to another collection made by you.
  • You agree to not create any animal, robot or fanged Faces of Def. Unless first getting the permission to do so by Culla. Collectors have paid a premium to have these traits and a special token is required to own them and have the respective Faces of Def replaced with one. Contact Culla before submitting any art falling into this category.
  • Failing to follow the guidelines and not submitting the required items in your submission will void your submission.
  • Your final image submission must be 2048x2048

  • Auction Submissions

    You need to submit a title for your piece, your full wallet and a link to the file that is either on Dropbox, Google Drive or We Share. If using Google Drive, you need to ensure that anyone with the link is an editor. See below for the Google Form link where you can submit.

    Faces of Def Submission form


    Below you will find links to the Photoshop and Procreate template files to use as the base for your creation.

    Photoshop File
    Procreate File